Login Support

Q: I'd like to have a trial before making a registration decision

As of now, Okuma does not have a trial option for unregistered visitors. Registering for an account is recommended to enhance the privacy and security of each user, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring the safety of your data and images.

Q: I'm not quite sure why registration is required before using it

Okuma requires the simultaneous operation of at least two devices. Registration helps us identify users and associate devices, providing not only a smoother user experience but also enabling access to additional services such as cloud storage.

Q: Why can't I log in successfully?

This application only provides services for open network environments. If there are network controls in your area, such as national-scale network restrictions or network restrictions due to corporate security, you may not be able to connect externally, resulting in the functionality not working properly.

Q: Why am I unable to log in due to third-party account refusal to authorize?

Service platform accounts used for logging into third-party services may have a limit on the number of logins bound to each account. Please first verify that the number of bindings for this account has not exceeded the platform provider's limit, or clarify if this account has been restricted by the platform in terms of permissions.